Varichina: The True Story of the Fake Life of Lorenzo de Santis

Thursday April 27th 2017, 9:00 pm

Regal Cinemas South Beach
1120 Lincoln Rd. Miami Beach 33139

Film Details

Runtime: 53 minutes

Language: In Italian with English subtitles

Director: Mariangela Barbanente and Antonio Palumbo

Country: Italy, 2017

Genre: Documentary

Varichina was the first openly out homosexual man in Bari in the ‘70s. Ugly, flashy and campy, he was well known for making coarse advances to every man he saw. He was gay, had nothing to hide, and lived a life of celebration! Funny and heartwarming, Varichina: The True Story of the Fake Life of Lorenzo de Santis is a documentary/fiction hybrid looking at someone who was WAY OUT, long before it was socially acceptable.

Preceded By:

Director: Dmitry Zhitov, 2017, USA, 24 mins .

The Video Bar
Director: Laura Lopez, 2017, Israel, 11 mins .

MYami director, Dmitry Zhitov and The Video Bar director, Laura Lopez scheduled for a Q&A after the film.


Audience Winner

Audience Winner -

Runner-Up Short Film - MYami

Dmitry Zhitov

Dmitry Zhitov - Director


Laura Lopez

Laura Lopez - Director

The Video Bar

Julio C. Rodriguez

Julio C. Rodriguez - Director of Photography

The Video Bar

Presenting Sponsors