A Winter To Remember (El Color de un Invierno)

Friday April 28th 2017, 9:00 pm

Regal Cinema South Beach
1120 Lincoln Road, Miami Beach, FL 33139

Film Details

Runtime: 64 minutes

Language: In Spanish with English subtitles

Director: Cecilia Valenzulea

Country: Argentina, 2017

Genre: Drama

Young Lucia suffers from panic attacks and anxiety brought on by childhood tragedy. During a winter stay in Salta, she meets Olivia, a beautiful and mysterious woman who introduces her to new spaces, new people and a new point of view. Lucia will discover her sexuality and thus liberate herself from the traumas of her past. Her stay in Salta ends and Lucia must leave Olivia and go back to Cordoba, but she is no longer the same timid person as when she left. Now she is strong and empowered.

Preceded By:
Victoria Rosana Maite

Director: Iñaki Velásquez, Chile, 2016, 26 mins. In Spanish with English subtitles.

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