Where The Ladies Are - Ladies Shorts Program #1

Monday April 25th 2016, 9:00 pm

Miami Beach Cinematheque
1130 Washington Ave
Miami Beach, FL 33139

Film Details

Runtime: 92 minutes

Category: Short Films Program, Lesbian


Enjoy this collection of entertaining and exciting shorts that each tells a wonderful story of women and their strength.

Director: Carmen Jimenez, Spain, 4 mins.
In Spanish, with English subtitles.

Great Escape
Director: Sal Bardo, USA, 6 mins.

Victor XX
Director: Ian Garrido Lopez, Spain, 20 mins.
In Spanish, with English subtitles.

Two Secrets
Director: Charles Dye, USA, 22 mins.

The Cricket and The Ant
Director: Julia Ritschel, Germany and France, 15 mins.
In French, with English subtitles.

Tokyo Heights
Director: Richard Cerato, USA, 10 mins.

Director: Kai Stänicke, Germany, 15 mins.
No dialogue

Filmmakers and Talent expected to be in attendance for a Q&A after the films.
 photo Alexis_LADIESHORTS_zpsadrm1zvu.jpg

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